Professor & Eminent Scholar
Department of Information Technology & Decision Sciences
Ling Li
NORFOLK, 23529
Ph.D. in Operations Management/Logistics, The Ohio State University, (1996)
- Certified Fellow
- Sponsoring Organization: Association for Supply Chain Management
- Date Obtained: 2000-01-01
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Li, L. X., Xu, L. D., Watson, S. R., Major, D. A. and Pribesh, S. L. "Investigating the effectiveness of pair programming for students with learning disabilities; National Science Foundation " $299,999. Federal. July 2018 - July 2022
- Li, L. X. "Developing Measurements for a General Education Course to Improve Student Learning" $1,500. Old Dominion University. 2016 - May 2017
- Li, L. X., He, W., Xu, L. D. and Ash, I. K. "SBE Small Collaborative: Improving Security Behavior of Employees in Cyberspace through Evidence-based Malware Reports and E-learning Materials; National Science Foundation " $8,000. Federal. 2015 - 2016
- Li, L. X., He, W., Xu, L. D. and Ash, I. K. "Improving Security Behavior of Employees in Cyberspace through Evidence-based Malware Reports and E-learning Materials; National Science Foundation" $245,460. Federal. 2013 - 2016
- Li, L. X. "Assessing the Effects of Logistics Services on Supply Chain Relationships." $7,500. Old Dominion University. 2011 - 2012
- Li, L. X. "Research on quality control methods in new product development" $42,000. Federal. 2009 - 2011
- Li, L. X. and Xu, L. D. "Quality Coordination in Multi-Layered Supply Chain: A Response to 2007 Product Recalls" $7,500. Old Dominion University. 2008 - 2009
- Li, L. X. "Faculty Innovator Grant" $2,800. Old Dominion University. - 2007
- Li, L. X., Jeng, A., Allen, T., Naik, D. and Frontini, M. "Establishment of Environmental Public Health Tracking System in Virginia" $80,000. Old Dominion University. 2006 - 2007
- Li, L. X. "Small Research Grant" $2,000. Old Dominion University. 2005 - 2005
- Li, L. X. "Summer Research Grant " $7,500. Old Dominion University. 2005 - 2005
- Li, L. X. "Small Research Grant" $2,000. Old Dominion University. 2003 - 2003
- Li, L. X. "Summer Research Fellowship" $6,000. Old Dominion University. 2002 - 2002
- Li, L. X. "ERP techniques for integrating supply chain" $13,000. Other. 2000 - 2001
- Li, L. X. "ERP software grant" $14,632. Other. 2000 - 2000
- Li, L. X. "China Bridge Grant" $50,500. Private. 1998 - 2000
- Li, L. X. "Alumni Research Grant" $500. Private. 1995 - 1995
- Sun, Y., Li, L., Chen, Y. and Kataev, M. (2021). An empirical study on innovation ecosystem, technological trajectory transition, and innovation performance. Journal of Global Information Management 29 (4) , pp. 148-171.
- Li, L., Xu, L., He, Y., He, W., Pribesh, S., Watson, S. and Major, D. (2021). Facilitating Online Learning via Zoom Breakout Room Technology – A Case of Pair Programming. The Communications of the Association for Information Systems 48 (2) , pp. 88-100.
- Li, L. and Zhou, H. (2021). A survey of blockchain with applications in maritime and shipping industry. Information Systems and e-Business Management 19 , pp. 789-807.
- Liu, Z., Li, L., Xie, K. and Chen, Y. (2020). A paradigm of safety management in Industry 4.0. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 37 (4) , pp. 632-645.
- Li, L. (2020). Education supply chain in the era of Industry 4.0.. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 37 (4) , pp. 579-592.
- Lu, Y., Zheng, X., Li, L. and Xu, L. (2020). Pricing the cloud: a QoS-based auction approach. Enterprise Information Systems 14 (3) , pp. 334-351.
- Zhou, H. and Li, L. (2020). The impact of supply chain practices and quality management on firm performance: Evidence from China's small and medium manufacturing enterprises. International Journal of Production Economics 230 , pp. 107816.
- Sun, Y., Li, L., Shi, H. and Chong, D. (2020). The transformation and upgrade of China's manufacturing industry in Industry 4.0 era. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 37 (4) , pp. 734-740.
- Huang, S., Li, L. X., Cai, H., Xu, B., Li, G. and Jiang, L. (2019). A configurable WoT application platform based on spatiotemporal semantic scenarios. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 49 (1) , pp. 123-135.
- Tian, X., He, W., Tang, C., Li, L. X., Xu, H. and Selover, D. D. (2019). A new approach of social media analytics to predict service quality: evidence from the airline industry. Journal of Enterprise Information Management 33 (1) , pp. 51-70. .
- He, W., Ash, I. K., Anwar, M., Li, L. X., Yuan, X., Xu, L. D. and Tian, X. (2019). Improving employees’ intellectual capacity for cybersecurity through evidence-based malware training. Journal of Intellectual Capital 21 (2) , pp. 203-213.
- Li, L. X., He, W., Xu, L. D., Ash, I. K., Anwar, M. and Yuan, X. (2019). Investigating the impact of cybersecurity policy awareness on employees’ cybersecurity behavior. International Journal of Information Management 45 , pp. 13-24.
- Working, A., Alqawba, M., Diawara, N. and Li, L. X. (2019). Time dependent attribute-level best worst discrete choice modelling. Big Data and Information Analytics 3 (1) , pp. 55-72.
- Lu , H., Li, L. X., Zhao, X. and Cook, D. P. (2018). A model of integrated regional logistics hub in supply chain. Enterprise Information Systems 12 (10) , pp. 1308–1335 .
- Shang, J., Wang, Z., Li, L., Chen, Y. and Li, P. (2018). A study on the correlation between technology innovation and the new-type urbanization in Shaanxi province. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 135 , pp. 266-273.
- Li, L. X. (2018). China's manufacturing locus in 2025: With a comparison of “Made-in-China 2025” and “Industry 4.0”. . Technological Forecasting & Social Change 135 , pp. 66-74.
- Xu, L. D., Xu, E. and Li, L. X. (2018). Industry 4.0: state of the art and future trends. International Journal of Production Research 56 (8) , pp. 2941- 2962.
- Qui, G., Xu, W. and Li, L. X. (2018). Key factors to annual investment in public transportation sector: The case of China.. Transportation Research Part A 107 , pp. 1-19.
- Chong, D., Li, L., Wu, H., Park, J., Shi, H. and Yan, G. (2018). Social Media Sentiment and Bank Loan Contracting. Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 3 (1) , pp. 1850007-14.
- Wan, S., Xiaobo, X., Yangchun, L., Martínez-López, F. J. and Li, L. X. (2018). Technological innovation: A case study of Mobile Internet Information Technology Applications in Community Management. Journal of Global Information Management 26 (2) , pp. 193-203.
- Xu, W., Zhou, J. A., Yang, L. and Li, L. X. (2018). The implications of high-speed rail for Chinese cities: Connectivity and accessibility. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 116 , pp. 308-326.
- Anwar, M., He, W., Ash, I. K., Yuan, X., Li, L. X. and Xu, L. D. (2017). Gender difference and employees' cybersecurity behaviors. Computers in Human Behavior 69 (437-443).
- Xu, A., Zhang, W. and Li, L. X. (2017). Measuring the expected locational accessibility of urban transit network for commuting trips. Transportation Research Part D 51 , pp. 62–81.
- Niu, N., Jin, X., Cheng, J., Li, L. X. and Kataev, M. Y. (2016). A Clustering-Based Approach to Enriching Code Foraging Environment.. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetic 46 (9) , pp. 1962-1973.
- Chen, Y., Chen, H., Gorkhalic, A., Lu, Y., Ma, Y. and Li, L. X. (2016). Big data analysis and big data science: a survey. Journal of Management Analytics 3 (1) , pp. 1–41.
- Xu, B., Xu, K., Fu., L., Li, L. X., Xin, W. and Cai, H. (2016). Healthcare data analytics: using a metadata annotation approach for integrating electronic hospital records. Journal of Management Analytics 3 (2) , pp. 136-151.
- Bhowmik, T., Niu, N., Wang, W., Cheng, J., Li, L. X. and Cao, X. (2016). Optimal Group Size for Software Change Tasks: A Social Information Foraging Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 8 , pp. 1784-1795.
- Xu, X., Zhang, W. and Li, L. X. (2016). The impact of technology type and life cycle on IT productivity variance: A contingency theoretical perspective. International Journal of Information Management 36 (6b) , pp. 1193-1204.
- Deng, S., Huang, L., Li, Y., Zhou, H., Wu, Z., Chao, X., Li, L. X. and Kataev, M. (2016). Toward Risk Reduction for Mobile Service Composition. . IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 46 (8) , pp. 1807-1816 .
- Sun, Y., Tan, W., Li, L. X., Shen, W. and Bi, Z. (2016). A new method to identify collaborative partners in social service provider networks. Information Systems Frontier 18 (3) , pp. 565-578.
- Wang, P., Valerdi, R., Zhou, S. and Li, L. X. (2015). Introduction: Advances in IoT research and applications. Information Systems Frontier 17 (2) , pp. 239–241.
- Deng, S., Huang, L., Li, Y., Zhou, H., Wu, Z., Cao, X., Kataev, X. and Li, L. X. (2015). Toward Risk Reduction for Mobile Service Composition. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 46 (8) , pp. 1807-1816 .
- Jiang, L., Li, L. X., Cai, H., Liu, H., Hu, J. and Xie, C. (2014). A linked data-based approach for clinical treatment selecting support. Journal of Management Analytics 1 (4) , pp. 301-316.
- Tan, W., Chen, S., Li, J., Li, L. X., Wang, T. and Hu, X. (2014). A Trust Evaluation Model for E-Learning Systems. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 31 (3) , pp. 353–365.
- Li, L. X., Wang, B. and Wang, A. (2014). An emergency resource allocation model for the leakage of dangerous chemical at the sea. Journal of Management Analytics 2 (146-155).
- Jin, C., Li, F., Wilamowska-Korsak, M., Li, L. X. and Fu, L. (2014). BSP-GA: A new Genetic Algorithm for System Optimization and Excellent Schema Selection. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 31 (3) , pp. 337–352.
- Chen, X., Hao, G. and Li, L. X. (2014). Channel coordination with a loss-averse retailer and option contracts. International Journal of Production Economics 150 (Supplement C) , pp. 52 - 57.
- Li, L. X., Wang, B. and Cook, D. P. (2014). Enhancing green supply chain initiatives via empty container reuse. Transportation Research Part E 70 , pp. 190-204.
- Li, S., Zhao, S., Wang, X., Zhang, K. and Li, L. X. (2014). Adaptive and Secure Load-Balancing Routing Protocol for Service-Oriented Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Systems Journal 8 (3) , pp. 858-867.
- Li, S., Wang, X., Zhao, S., Wang, J. and Li, L. X. (2014). Local Semidefinite Programming-Based Node Localization System for Wireless Sensor Network Applications. IEEE Systems Journal 8 (3) , pp. 879-888.
- Liu, Z., Chen, L., Li, L. X. and Zhai, X. (2014). Risk hedging in a supply chain: Option vs. price discount. International Journal of Production Economics 10 (2) , pp. 1497-1505.
- Wang, S., Li, L. X. and Jones, J. (2014). Systemic thinking on services science, management and engineering: Applications and challenges in services systems research. IEEE Systems Journal 8 (3) , pp. 803-820.
- Chen, X., Hao, G. and Li, L. X. (2014). Channel coordination with a loss-verse retailer and option contracts. International Journal of Production Economics 150 , pp. 52-57.
- Wang, P., Zhu, H., Wilamowska-Korsak, M., Bi, Z. and Li, L. X. (2014). Determination of Weights for Multiobjective Decision Making or Machine Learning. IEEE Systems Journal 8 (1) , pp. 63-72.
- Wu, J., Li, L. X. and Xu, L. D. (2014). A randomized pricing decision support system in electronic commerce. Decision Support Systems 58 , pp. 43-52.
- Li, L. X., Li, S. and Zhao, S. (2014). QoS-aware scheduling of services-Oriented Internet of Things. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10 (2) , pp. 1497-1505.
- Zhou, H., Shou, Y., Zhai, X., Li, L. X., Wood, C. and Wu, X. (2014). Supply chain practice and information quality: A supply chain strategy study. International Journal of Production Economics 147 (Part C) , pp. 624-633.
- Li, L. X. and Zhou, H. (2013). Manufacturing Practices in China. International Journal of Production Economics 146 (1) , pp. 1-3.
- Xing, Y., Li, L. X., Bi, Z., Wilamowska-Korsak, M. and Zhang, L. (2013). Operations Research (OR) in Service Industries: A Comprehensive Review. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 30 (3) , pp. 300–353.
- Li, L. (2013). Technology designed to combat fakes in the global supply chain. Business Horizon 56 (2) , pp. 167-177.
- Li, L. (2013). The path to made-in-China; How it was done and future prospects. International Journal of Production Economics 146 (1) , pp. 4-13.
- He, W., Zha, S. and Li, L. (2013). Social Media Competitive Analysis and Text Mining: A Case Study in the Pizza Industry. International Journal of Information Management 33 (3) , pp. 464-472.
- Chen, X., Li, L. and Zhou, M. (2012). Manufacturer’s pricing strategy for supply chain with warranty period-dependent demand. Omega, International Journal of Management Science 40 (6) , pp. 807-816.
- Li, W., Zheng, W., Lin, J., Guan, X., Li, L., Chaudhry, S. S.., Wang, P. and Liu, Y. (2012). CARR: a scalable solution for network packet classification. Expert Systems 29 (1) , pp. 70–83.
- Li, L. (2012). Effects of enterprise technology on supply chain collaboration: analysis of China-linked supply chain. Enterprise Information Systems 6 (1) , pp. 55-77.
- Li, L., Ford, J. B., Zhai, X. and Xu, L. D. (2012). Relational benefits and manufacturer satisfaction: an empirical study of logistics service in supply chain. International Journal of Production Research 50 (19) , pp. 5445-5459.
- Shan, S., Wang, L., Li, L. and Chen, Y. (2012). An emergency response decision support system framework for application in e-government. Information Technology and Management 13 (4) , pp. 411–427.
- Zeng, L., Li, L. and Duan, L. (2012). Business intelligence in enterprise computing environment. Information Technology and Management 13 (4) , pp. 297–310.
- Zeng, L., Li, L., Duan, L., Lu, K., Shi, Z., Wang, M., Wu, W. and Luo, P. (2012). Distributed data mining: a survey. Information Technology and Management 13 (4) , pp. 403–409.
- Wang, S., Li, L. X., Wang, K. and Jones, J. D.. (2012). e-Business systems integration: a systems perspective. Information Technology and Management 13 (4) , pp. 233–249.
- Shi, X., Li, L., Yang, L., Li, Z. and Choi, J. Y.. (2012). Information flow in reverse logistics: an industrial information integration study. Information Technology and Management 13 (4) , pp. 217–232.
- Zhou, Z. and Li, L. X. (2012). Optimal cyclic single crane scheduling for two parallel train oilcan repairing lines. Computers & Operations Research 39 (8) , pp. 1850-1856.
- Wang, G. and Li, L. X. (2009). A mathematical model of infectious diseases. Annals of Operations Research 168 (1) , pp. 41-80.
- Zhou, Z. and Li, L. X. (2009). A solution for cyclic scheduling of multi-hoists without overlapping. Annals of Operations Research 168 (1) , pp. 5-21.
- Qi, J., Li, L. X. and Ai, H. (2009). A system dynamics approach to competitive strategy in mobile telecommunication industry. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 26 (2) , pp. 155–168.
- Qi, J., Li, L. X., Li, Y. and Shu, H. (2009). An extension of technology acceptance model: Analysis of the adoption of mobile data services in China. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 26 (3) , pp. 391–407.
- Su, Q., Li, L. X. and Cui, Y. Wu. (2009). Analysing relational benefits in e-business environment from behavioural perspective. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 26 (2) , pp. 129–142.
- Gao, X., Li, Z. and Li, L. X. (2008). A process model for concurrent design in manufacturing enterprise information systems. Enterprise Information Systems 2 (1) , pp. 33-46.
- Li, L. X., Markowski, C. A., Markowski, E. P. and Xu, L. D. (2008). Assessing the Effects of Manufacturing Infrastructure Preparation prior to Enterprise Information Systems Implementation. International Journal of Production Research 46 (6) , pp. 1645-1665.
- Li, L. X., Xu, L., Jeng, Naik, D., Allen, T. and Frontini (2008). Creation of Environmental Health Information System for Public Health Service: A Pilot Study. Information Systems Frontiers 10 (5) , pp. 531-543.
- Li, L. X., Markowski, E. P., Markowski, C. A. and Xu, L. D. (2008). TQM-A Predecessor of ERP Implementation. International Journal of Production Economics 115 , pp. 569-580.
- Tan, W., Shen, W., Xu, L. D., Zhou, B. and Li, L. X. (2008). A Business Process Intelligence System for Enterprise Process Performance Management. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews) 38 (6) , pp. 745-756.
- Tan, W., Jiang, C., Li, L. X. and Lv, Z. (2008). Role-oriented process-driven enterprise cooperative work using the combined rule scheduling strategies. Information Systems Frontiers 10 (5) , pp. 519–529.
- Qi, J., Zhang, L., Liu, Y., Li, L. X., Zhou, Y., Shen, Y., Liang, L. and Li, H. (2008). ADTreesLogit model for customer churn prediction. Annals of Operations Research 168 (1) , pp. 247.
- Feng, S., Li, L. X., Duan, Z. Gang. and Zhang, J. Long. (2007). Assessing the impacts of South-to-North Water Transfer Project with decision support systems. Decision Support Systems 42 (4) , pp. 1989 - 2003.
- Tian, J., Wang, Y., Li, H., Li, L. X. and Wang, K. (2007). DSS development and applications in China. Decision Support Systems 42 (4) , pp. 2060-2077.
- Li, J., Li, L. X., Tang, L. and Wu, H. (2006). A case of rule-based heuristics for scheduling hot rolling seamless steel tube production. Expert Systems 23 (3) , pp. 145–158.
- Li, L. X. and Markowski, C. A. (2006). An analysis of hospital capacity management patterns using Miles and Snow’s typology. International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 3 (4) , pp. 312-338.
- Chen, Y. and Li, L. X. (2006). Deriving information from CRM for knowledge management—a note on a commercial bank. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 23 (2) , pp. 141–146.
- Li, L. X. and Zhao, X. (2006). Enhancing competitive edge through knowledge management in implementing ERP systems. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 23 (2) , pp. 129–140.
- Feng, S., Li, L. X., Wang, P., Wang, C., Yue, Q. and Guo, S. (2006). Fuzzy modeling of the medical treatment effects of superoxide dismutase. Expert Systems 23 (5) , pp. 323–329.
- Li, X. Ming., Wang, Y. Luo., Sun, L. Yan. and Li, L. X. (2006). Modeling uncertainties involved with software development with a stochastic Petri net. Expert Systems 23 (5) , pp. 302–312.
- Li, L. X. (2006). The effects of information technology implementation on supply chain collaboration. International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management 4 (2) , pp. 118-134.
- Li, L. X. (2005). Assessing intermediate infrastructural manufacturing decisions that affect a firm’s market performance. International Journal of Production Research 43 (12) , pp. 2537-2551.
- Li, Y., Li, L. X., Liu, Y. and Wang, L. (2005). Linking management control system with product development and process decisions to cope with environment complexity. International Journal of Production Research 43 (12) , pp. 2577-2591.
- Dan, B., Li, L. X., Zhang, X., Guo, F. and Zhou, J. (2005). Network-integrated manufacturing system. International Journal of Production Research 43 (12) , pp. 2631-2647.
- Chaudhry, S., Feng, H., Li, H., Li, L. X., Sui, H., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z. and Xu, L. (2005). Production research in China. International Journal of Production Research.
- Li, L. X. and Butler, T. (2005). The influence of management decisions on hospital efficiency: A two-period study. International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management 11 (1) , pp. 15-34.
- Butler, T. and Li, L. X. (2005). The utility of return to scale in DEA programming: An analysis of Michigan hospitals. European Journal of Operational Research 161 (2) , pp. 469-477.
- Li, L. X., Zhang, A. and Melcher, A. (2004). Mapping the relationships among product complexity, information technology, and transaction governance structure: A case study. Journal of Management Systems 16 (4) , pp. 41-55.
- Li, L. X. and Rubin, B. L. (2004). Technology investment in hospital: an empirical study. International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 1 (4) , pp. 390-410.
- Bostan, V. and Li, L. X. (2003). A decision model for reducing active power losses during electric power dispatching. Computers & Operations Research 30 , pp. 833-849.
- Li, L. X. and Benton, W. (2003). Hospital capacity management decisions – emphasis on cost control and quality enhancement. European Journal of Operational Research 146 , pp. 596-614.
- Li, H., Li, L. X. and Wang, J. (2003). Interpolation representation of feedforward neural networks. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 37 (7) , pp. 829 - 847.
- Li, L. X., Zhang, A. and Melcher, A. (2003). Mapping the relationships among product complexity, information technology, and transaction governance structure: A case study. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics 2 (1) , pp. 162-173.
- Zhou, Z. and Li, L. X. (2003). Single hoist cyclic scheduling with multi-tank: a material handling solution. Computers & Operations Research 30 , pp. 811-819.
- Feng, S., Li, L. X., Cen, L. and Huang, J. (2003). Using MLP networks to design a production scheduling system. Computers & Operations Research 30 (6) , pp. 821 - 832.
- Li, L. X., Benton, W. and Leong, K. (2002). The impact of strategic operations management decisions on community hospital performance. Journal of Operations Management 20 , pp. 389-408.
- Yang, B., Li, L. X., Ji, H. and Xu, J. (2001). An early warning system for loan risk assessment using artificial neural networks. Knowledge-Based Systems 14 (5) , pp. 303 - 306.
- Li, L. X., Chaudhry, S., Chaudhry, P. and Wang, Y. (2001). An evaluation of acquiring and implementing a manufacturing resource planning system. Production and Inventory Management Journal 42 (3) , pp. 1-8.
- Feng, S., Li, L. X. and Cen, L. (2001). An object-oriented intelligent design tool to aid the design of manufacturing systems. Knowledge-Based Systems 14 (5) , pp. 225 - 232.
- Yang, B., Li, L. X., Xie, Q. and Xu, J. (2001). Development of a KBS for managing bank loan risk. Knowledge-Based Systems 14 (5) , pp. 299 - 302.
- Li, T., Feng, S. and Li, L. X. (2001). Information visualization for intelligent decision support systems. Knowledge-Based Systems 14 (5) , pp. 259 - 262.
- Geng, G. and Li, L. X. (2001). Scheduling railway freight cars. Knowledge-Based Systems 14 (5) , pp. 289 - 297.
- Xu, Li Da and Li, L. X. (2000). A hybrid system applied to epidemic screening. Expert Systems 17 (2) , pp. 81–89.
- Li, H., Li, Z., Li, L. X. and Hu, B. (2000). A production rescheduling expert simulation system. European Journal of Operational Research 124 (2) , pp. 64-74.
- Li, L. X. (2000). An analysis of sources of competitiveness and performance of Chinese manufacturers. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 20 (3) , pp. 299-315.
- Li, L. X. and Li, H. (2000). Integrating systems concepts into manufacturing information systems. Systems Research and Behavioral Sciences 17 , pp. 135-147.
- Nin, L. and Li, L. X. (2000). Modeling staffing flexibility: A case of China. European Journal of Operational Research 124 (2) , pp. 35-47.
- Li, L. X. (2000). The effects of manufacturing capability on performance in a changing business environment: An empirical analysis of Chinese manufacturing firms. Industrial Management and Data Systems 100 (5 &6) , pp. 261-270.
- Li, L. X. and Collier, D. (2000). The role of technology and quality on hospital financial performance: An exploratory analysis. International Journal of Service Industry 11 (3) , pp. 202-224.
- Li, L. X. (1999). Knowledge-based problem solving: an approach to health assessment1This research was partially sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and China Bridge International Foundation. Dr Li is a professor at China Textile University.1. Expert Systems with Applications 16 (1) , pp. 33 - 42.
- Li, L. X. (1999). Proposing an architectural framework of a hybrid knowledge-based system for production rescheduling. Expert Systems 16 (4) , pp. 273–279.
- Xing Li, H. and Li, L. X. (1999). Representing diverse mathematical problems using neural networks in hybrid intelligent systems. Expert Systems 16 (4) , pp. 262–272.
- Li, L. X. and King, B. E.. (1999). A healthcare staff decision model considering the effects of staff cross‐training. Health Care Management Science 2 (1) , pp. 53–61.
- Li, L. X. (1997). Relationships between determinants of hospital quality management and service quality performance—a path analytic model. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science 25 (5) , pp. 535 - 545.
- Li, L. X. and Benton, W. (1996). Performance measurement criteria in health care organizations: Review and future research directions. European Journal of Operational Research 93 (3) , pp. 449 - 468.
- Li D. Xu and Li, L. X. (1993). An expert system approach to AIDS intervention and prevention. Expert Systems with Applications 6 (2) , pp. 119 - 127.
- Li D. Xu, Ying, X. Shi. and Li, L. X. (1992). A microcomputer approach for analyzing food products. Computers in Industry 18 (1) , pp. 53 - 57.
- Li D. Xu and Li, L. X. (1992). An information systems approach to the intervention and prevention of AIDS. Information Processing & Management 28 (2) , pp. 269 - 280.
- Li, L. X. and Li D. Xu (1992). Application of information systems to AIDS risk reduction. Medical Informatics 17 (4) , pp. 199-214.
- Li, L. X., Feng , s., Xu, L. and Zhou, H. (1992). Dynamic simulation of demographic-economic systems in developing countries. Information and Decision Technology 18 , pp. 363-374.
- Siegal, H., Carlson, R., Li, L. X., Falck, R., Forney, M. and Wang, J. (1992). High-risk behaviors for transmission of syphilis and HIV among crack cocaine using women: A case study from the Midwest. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 19 (5) , pp. 266-271.
- Li, L. X. and Li D. Xu (1991). An integrated information system for the intervention and prevention of AIDS. International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing 29 (3) , pp. 191 - 206.
- Siegal, H., Falck, R., Carlson, R. and Li, L. X. (1991). Changes in needle risk behaviors: A preliminary comparative analysis of the Dayton-Columbus NADR program's standard and enhanced intervention tracks at six months. Research in Progress , pp. 12-16.
- A Siegal, H., Carlson, R. G., Falck, R., Li, L. X., A Forney, M., Rapp, R. C., Baumgartner, K., Myers, W. and Nelson, M. L. (1991). HIV infection and risk behaviors among intravenous drug users in low seroprevalence areas in the Midwest.. American Journal of Public Health 81 (12) , pp. 1642-1644.
- Xu, Li D. and Li, L. X. (1989). Complementary opposition as a systems concept. Systems Research 6 (2) , pp. 91–101.
- Li, L. X. (2014). Managing Supply Chain and Logistics: Competitive Strategy for a Sustainable Future. World Scientific Publishing Co.
- Li, L. X. (2010). Supply Chain Management (in Chinese). China Financial and Economic Publishing House: Beijing.
- Li, L. X. (2007). Supply Chain Management: Concepts, Techniques, and Practices – Enhancing Value through Collaboration. World Scientific Publishing Co.
Book Chapters
- Li, L. and Lu, Y. (2022). Status, Opportunities, and Barriers in Implementing Industry 4.0 in the U.S. in Industry 4.0 SMEs Across the Globe - Drivers, Barriers, and Opportunities.
- Li, L. X., Xu, L. D., He, W., Chen, Y. and Chen, H. (2016). Cyber Security Awareness and Its Impact on Employee’s Behavior Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems: 10th IFIP WG 8.9 Working Conference, CONFENIS 2016. (pp. 103–111) Springer International Publishing.
- Li, L. X. (2013). Perdue Farms: A Vertically Integrated Supply Chain The Supply Chain Management Casebook Pearson Education, Inc.
- Li, L. X., Marsillac, E. and Kosiek, T. (2013). Supplier Selection at Kerneos, Inc The Supply Chain Management Casebook.
- Li, L. X. and Xu, L. D. (2002). Knowledge-based problem solving (pp. 149-167) New York: Marcel Dekker Inc.: Encyclopedia of Encyclopedia of Microcomputers.
Conference Proceeding
- Watson, S. R., Li, L., Xu, L., He, W., Pribesh, S. L. and Major, D. A. (2021). Pair Programming: Leveling the field for students with learning disabilities Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference.
- Li, L., Xu, L., He, Y., He, W., Pribesh, S. L., Watson, S. R.. and Major, D. A.. (2021). Using pair programming as a collaborative learning approach to support students with learning disabilities via Zoom breakout rooms Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference.
- Pribesh, S., He, w., Watson, S., Major, D., Xu, L., Li, L., Tian, X., Gorkhali, A. and He, Y. (2019). Students with Learning Disabilities, Pair Programming And Situational Motivation (pp. 2390-2395) Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference .
- Fu, L. and Li, L. X. (2016). A Smart Decision Making System for Managing Patient Database 2016 4th International Conference on Enterprise Systems (ES) (pp. 46-50).
- Anwar, M., Ash, I. K., He, W., Li, L. X. and Yuan, X. (2015). A security behavior model of employees in cyberspace. Puerto Rico: The 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- Li, L. X., Wang, A. and Wang, B. (2014). Allocating emergency resource for leakage of dangerous chemicals at sea Norfolk, VA, USA: International Association of Maritime Economics Annual Conference.
- Wang, B. and Li, L. X. (2014). Develop a yard truck schedule using integrated information of inbound and outbound containers at a transshipment port (pp. 81-84) Proceedings of IEEE 2nd International Conference on Enterprise Systems (ES 2014).
- Li, L. X., He, W., Ash, I. K., Xu, L. D., Anwar, M. and Yuan, X. (2014). Does explicit information security policy affect employees’ cyber security behavior? A pilot study (pp. 169-173) Proceedings of IEEE 2nd International Conference on Enterprise Systems (ES 2014).
- Fu, L. and Li, L. X. (2014). The value of integrated information system: A case of out-patient clinic (pp. 57-60) Proceedings of IEEE 2nd International Conference on Enterprise Systems (ES 2014).
- Li, L. (2013). TQM and Enterprise Systems IEEE Society, 1st IEEE Enterprise Systems conference.
- Simmonds, D., Haines, R. and Li, L. (2013). Use of information technology in collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment: Trends, gaps in the literature and theoretical directions The 6th Global Supply Chain Management Conference.
- Li, L. X. and Xu, L. D. (2010). The role of TQM in ERP implementation Rio Grande do Norte: The 4th International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems.
- Li, L. X. and Xu, L. D. (2009). Shipper’s voice: Assessing the perceived benefits of logistics service in global supply chain Copenhagen: International Association of Maritime Economics Annual Conference.
- Li, L. X. (2008). Impact of information technology on supply chain collaboration activities Dalian: International Association of Maritime Economics Annual Conference.
- Li, L. X. (2007). Supply chain collaboration through IT implementation Xi’an: International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management in China.
- Li, L. X. (2006). The impact of IT on collaboration in supply chain San Antonia, TX: Proceedings of the 37 Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute.
- Li, L. X. and Xu, L. D. (2005). The role of infrastructural manufacturing decisions and firm market performance San Francisco, CA: Proceedings of the 36 Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute.
- Li, L. X., Markowski, E. P. and Markowski, C. A. (2004). ERM and company performance? Boston: Proceedings of the 35 Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute.
- Li, L. X. and Benton, W. (2004). Hospital technology and nurse staff decisions: Emphasis on cost control and quality enhancement Boston: Proceedings of the 35 Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute.
- Li, Y., Li, L. X., Liu, Y. and Wang, L. (2004). Linking management control system with product development and process decisions to cope with environment complexity Boston: Proceedings of the 35 Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute.
- Li, L. X. (2003). Promotion strategy and production planning in supply chain Seattle WA.: Proceedings of International Conference on Pacific Rim Management.
- Li, L. X. (2003). Rail freight service in supply chain management Washington DC: Proceedings of the 34 Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute.
- Zhang, A., Melcher, A. and Li, L. X. (2002). Mapping the relationships among product complexity, information technology, and transaction governance structure: A case study Taipei, Taiwan: The Second International Conference on Electronic Business.
- Li, L. X. and Li, H. (2001). Manufacturing information systems and its conceptual foundation Xi’an, China: International Conference on Management.
- Li, L. X., Butler, T. and Leong, K. (2001). The influence of management decisions on hospital efficiency: A longitudinal study San Francisco, CA: Proceedings of the 32rd Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute.
- Li, L. X., King, B., Hughes, S. and Lad, L. (1999). Capacity choices in current health care environment New Orleans, Louisiana: Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute.
- Li, L. X. (1998). Competitive operations strategies adopted by Chinese manufacturers Las Vegas, NV: Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute.
- Li, L. X. (1998). Empirical research methods and applications in business management Shanghai, China: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Management.
- Li, L. X., Zhang, H. and Xu, L. (1997). A hybrid intelligent system for AIDS intervention and prevention (pp. 371-376) Xian, China: The Second World Congress on Intelligent Control and Intelligent Automation.
- Li, L. X. (1997). A staff decision model for AIDS prevention program (pp. 1458-1460) San Diego, CA: Proceedings of the 28h Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute.
- Shan, F., Li, L. X., Zhang , B. H. and Xu, L. (1997). An integrated knowledge-based system for urban planning decision support (pp. 377-382) Xian, China: The Second World Congress on Intelligent Control and Intelligent Automation.
- Li, L. X. (1997). Hospital factors, technology investment and applications (pp. 181-183) Indianapolis, IN: Proceedings of the 28th Midwest Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute.
- Li, L. X. (1997). Hospital radiology purchasing decisions (pp. 28) Miami Beach, FL: Proceedings of the 8th Annual Meeting of Production and Operations Management Society.
- Li, L. X. and Xu, L. (1997). Systems approach and information systems development (pp. 130-132) Indianapolis, IN: Proceedings of the 28th Midwest Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute.
- Li, L. X. and Benton, W. (1996). A brief look of manufacturing strategies in China Hong Kong: Proceedings of 1996 Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference.
- Li, L. X., Benton, W., Collier, D. and Leong, K. (1996). Capacity resource management in hospitals (pp. 1605-1607) Orlando, FL: Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute.
- Li, L. X. and Xu, L. (1996). Quality measurement in the health care industry (pp. 180-194) Chicago, IL: Proceedings of ACME VI International Conference.
- Li, L. X. and Benton, W. C. (1996). Quality measurement in the health care industry (pp. 172-175) South Bend, IN: Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of Midwest Decision Sciences Institute.
- Li, L. X., Benton, W., Leong, K. and Collier, D. (1996). The influence of management decisions on hospital efficiency: A longitudinal study (pp. 1605-1607) Orlando, FL: Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute.
- Li, L. X., Leong, K. and Butler, T. (1995). The effects of competitive priorities, structure and infrastructure on performance in hospitals (pp. 1518- 1520) Boston, MA: Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute.
- Li, L. X. (1991). Methodological issues in AIDS prevention Washington DC: Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Meeting of National Institution on Drug Abuse.
- Li, L. (December 19, 2021). Big Data Analytics and Its Applications in Supply Chain Keynote/Plenary Address IFIP/IEEE Conference .
- Li, L., Xu, L., Weather, R., He, Y., Ma, Y. and Bohloul, M. (November 19, 2021). Workshop: Designing Pair Programming Course Using a Virtual Method to Teach Computer Programming Other Decision Science Institute, 52nd Annual Conference virtual.
- Li, L., Xu, L., Weather, R., He, Y., Ma, Y. and Bohloul, M. (November 17, 2021). Workshop: Programming and Students with Learning Disabilities Other Decision Science Institute, 52nd Annual Conference virtual.
- Li, L. (April 30, 2021). Supply chain practices and quality management across small and medium firms Oral Presentation The 31st Production and Operations Management Society Conference (virtual) .
- Li, L. X., Xu, L. D., He, Y., He, W., Watson, S. R., Pribesh, S. L. and Major, D. A. (April 1, 2021). Using pair programming as a collaborative learning approach to support students with learning disabilities via Zoom breakout rooms Oral Presentation SITE (Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education) 2021 Conference .
- Watson, S. R., Li, L. X., Xu, L. D., He, W., Pribesh, S. L. and Major, D. A. (March 30, 2021). Pair Programming: Leveling the Field for Students with Learning Disabilities Oral Presentation SITE (Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education) 2021 Conference .
- Li, L. and Zhang, W. (April 25, 2020). An Empirical Examination of Exploration and Exploitation on Logistics Performance Oral Presentation The 31st Production and Operations Management Society Conference .
- Li, L. (February 22, 2020). Business Opportunities in Asia- Industry 4.0 and Made-in-China 2025 Keynote/Plenary Address Asian Business Association of Hampton Roads .
- Chen, Y., Xu, L. D., Li, L. X., Yin, C. and Chen, H. (November 17, 2019). Security risk tolerance in mobile payment: A trade-off framework Paper The 50th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute New Orleans.
- Gorkhali, A. and Li, L. X. (May , 2019). Early Information Access to Alleviate Emergency Department Congestion Oral Presentation The 30th Production and Operations Management Society Conference .
- Gorkhali, A. and Li, L. X. (November , 2018). Alleviating emergency department congestion Oral Presentation The 49th Decision Sciences Institute Conference .
- Tian, X., He, W., Tang, C., Li, L. X. and Selover, D. D. (November , 2018). Examining Service Quality in The U.S. Airline Industry by Social Media Analytics Oral Presentation The 49th Decision Sciences Institute Conference Chicago.
- Zhang, W. and Li, L. X. (November , 2018). Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling in Theory Pre-Testing: Issues and Protocols Oral Presentation The 49th Decision Sciences Institute Conference Chicago.
- Li, L., Ding, Y. and Zhou, H. (May , 2017). An Empirical Investigation of Supply Chain Relationship Configuration in Emerging Markets Paper The 2017 Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Conference Seattle, Washington.
- Li, L., Xu, L., He, W., Chen, Y. and Chen, H. (December , 2016). Cyber Security Awareness and Its Impact on Employee’s Behavior Paper CONFENIS 2016 Vienna, Austria.
- Rasnick, E., Chatfield, D. and Li, L. (November , 2016). The Impact of Information Blackouts on the Bullwhip Effect Paper the 46th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute Austin, TX, USA.
- Fu, L. and Li, L. (November , 2016). A Smart Decision Making System for Managing Patient Database Paper The 4th International Conference on Enterprise Systems Melbourne, Australia.
- Fu, L. and Li, L. (November , 2015). Is it a solution? Findings from HIMMS data Paper INFORMS Conference Philadelphia, PA, USA.
- Li, L., Zhang, W. and Zhou, H. (November , 2015). An empirical examination of the effect of exploration and exploitation on logistics performance Paper The 45th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute Seattle, WA, USA.
- Anwar, M., Ash, I., He, W., Li, L., Xu, L. and Yuan, X. (August , 2015). A security behavior model of employees in cyberspace Paper The 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems Puerto Rico.
- Turedi, S. and Li, L. X. (November 22, 2014). Identifying Different Organizational Strategies Used in Supply Chain Management: Testing the Miles and Snow Typology Oral Presentation The 45th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute Tampa, FL.
- Li, L., He, W., Ash, I., Xu, L., Anwar, M. and Yuan, X. (August , 2014). Does explicit information security policy affect employees’ cyber security behavior? A pilot study Paper IEEE 2nd International Conference on Enterprise Systems Shanghai, China.
- Fu, L. and Li, L. (August , 2014). The value of integrated information system: A case of out-patient clinic Paper IEEE 2nd International Conference on Enterprise Systems Shanghai, China.
- Li, L., Wang, A. and Wang, B. (August , 2014). Allocating emergency resource for leakage of dangerous chemicals at sea Paper International Association of Maritime Economics Annual Conference Norfolk, Virginia, USA.
- Zhang, W. and Li, L. X. (November 15, 2013). Supplier relationship: A multi-dimensional construct and its impact on supply chain performance Oral Presentation The 44th Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute Baltimore, MD..
- Fu, L. and Li, L. X. (November 17, 2012). User experiments of a faceted classification system Oral Presentation The 43 Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute San Francisco.
- Li, L. X. and Xu, L. D. (November 19, 2011). The role of enterprise technology on supply chain collaboration Oral Presentation The 42 Annual Meeting of Decision Sciences Institute Boston.
- 2021: Fellow, International Federation for Information Processing
- 2021: On the list of top 2% of most-cited scientists worldwide, A recent Stanford University ranking
- 2021: Outstanding Faculty Award , the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV)
- 2021: Outstanding Research Award, Strome College of Business, Old Dominion University
- 2019: The Doctoral Mentoring Award, Old Dominion University
- 2018: Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing , Elsevier Publisher
- 2017: The Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award, Old Dominion University
- 2016: Certificate of appreciation, Old Dominion University
- 2016: Citation of Excellence Award , Emerald Group Publishing Limited
- 2016: Distinguished Academic Contribution Award, IEEE SMC Society Technical Committee on Enterprise Information Systems
- 2016: Eminent Scholar designation, Old Dominion University
- 2016: The A. Rufus Tonelson Faculty Award, Old Dominion University
- 2015: Certificate of Service to Decision Sciences Institute for 20 Years, Decision Sciences Institute
- 2015: Shining Star, Old Dominion University
- 2014: Academic Leadership Award, IEEE Society, IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Systems
- 2014: Certificate of Service and Appreciation, Old Dominion University Asian Caucus
- 2014: Provost Award for Leadership in International Education, Old Dominion University
- 2014: University Professor, Old Dominion University
- 2013: Champion of Diversity Award, Old Dominion University
- 2013: Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Business and Public Administration
- 2011: Best Paper Award, International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems
- 2011: Certificate of Excellence in Promoting Undergraduate Research, Old Dominion University
- 2011: Teaching Excellence Award, Graduate Information Technology Student Society, Old Dominion University
- 2010: Certificate of Excellence in Promoting Undergraduate Research, Old Dominion University
- 2010: Outstanding Research Award, College of Business and Public Administration
- 2009: Certificate of Excellence in Promoting Undergraduate Research, Old Dominion University
- 2009: E.V. Williams Research Fellow, Old Dominion University
- 2008: Outstanding Faculty Service Award, College of Business and Public Administration
- 2007: Distinguished Academic Leadership Award, International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP TC8)
- 2004: Outstanding Research Award, College of Business and Public Administration
- 2003: The TELETECHNET Instructor of the Year Award, Award Finalist, Old Dominion University
- 1999: Apple-for-You Teaching Award,
- 1995: Alumni Research Award, Ohio State University